Med Peds
Ayieko J, Charlebois ED, Maeri I, Owino L, Thorp M, Bukusi EA, Petersen ML, Kamya MR, Havlir DV, Camlin CS. Improving care engagement for mobile[...]
Lai MC, Amestoy A, Bishop S, Brown HM, Giwa Onaiwu M, Halladay A, Harrop C, Hotez E, Huerta M, Kelly A, Miller D, Nordahl CW,[...]
In last week’s reflection, I shared with you the overall vision, goals, and mission pillars of our department’s strategic plan. The plan is ambitious and will[...]
Hotez E, Russ S, Halfon N. Introduction: Using the LCHD framework to understand and improve health outcomes for marginalized populations and promote equity from the[...]
Hotez E, Russ S, Halfon N. Introduction: Using the LCHD framework to understand and improve health outcomes for marginalized populations and promote equity from the[...]
Monteiro EM, Hyde C, Guardado D, Rosenau KA, Kuo A. Knowledge is Power: Rethinking Healthcare for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Patients. Cureus. 2023 Sep 21;15(9):e45712.[...]
Hotez E, Rava J, Russ S, Ware A, Halfon N. Using a life course health development framework to combat stigma-related health disparities for individuals with[...]
Rava J, Hotez E, Halfon N. The role of social capital in resilience among adolescents with adverse family environments. Curr Probl Pediatr Adolesc Health Care.[...]
Hotez E, Haley M, Martinez-Agosto JA, Anderson J, Brown H, Choi K, Croen LA, Dwyer P, Fernandes P, Gassner D, Giwa Onaiwu M, Gragnani CM,[...]
Hotez E, Yang B, Chua KJ, Smith AM, Lee C, Delgado D, Weimer A. Preliminary Pilot-Testing of Intimate Partner Violence Screening for Transgender and Gender[...]