Pulmonary, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine
Marra AM, Sherman AE, Ameri P, Bossone E. Challenges in Pulmonary Hypertension. Heart Fail Clin. 2023 Jan;19(1):xv-xvi. doi: 10.1016/j.hfc.2022.10.001. PMID: 36435578.
Roy B, Sahib AK, Kang D, Aysola RS, Kumar R. Brain tissue integrity mapping in adults with obstructive sleep apnea using T1-weighted and T2-weighted images.[...]
Fortis S, Quibrera PM, Comellas AP, Bhatt SP, Tashkin DP, Hoffman EA, Criner GJ, Han MK, Barr RG, Arjomandi M, Dransfield MB, Peters SP, Dolezal[...]
Tejwani V, Woo H, Liu C, Tillery AK, Gassett AJ, Kanner RE, Hoffman EA, Martinez FJ, Woodruff PG, Barr RG, Fawzy A, Koehler K, Curtis[...]
Turbyfill C, Adams K, Tenforde MW, Murray NL, Gaglani M, Ginde AA, McNeal T, Ghamande S, Douin DJ, Keipp Talbot H, Casey JD, Mohr NM,[...]
Lacasse Y, Casaburi R, Sliwinski P, Chaouat A, Fletcher E, Haidl P, Maltais F. Home oxygen for moderate hypoxaemia in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a[...]
Calabrese DR, Tsao T, Magnen M, Valet C, Gao Y, Mallavia B, Tian JJ, Aminian EA, Wang KM, Shemesh A, Punzalan EB, Sarma A, Calfee[...]
Linderman SL, Lai L, Bocangel Gamarra EL, Lau MS, Edupuganti S, Surie D, Tenforde MW, Chappell JD, Mohr NM, Gibbs KW, Steingrub JS, Exline MC,[...]
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Our oncology services are at the forefront of providing state of the art care across the region. Corina Guzman, administrative[...]
Pang B, Doshi S, Roy B, Lai M, Ehlert L, Aysola RS, Kang DW, Anderson A, Joshi SH, Tward D, Scalzo F, Vacas S, Kumar[...]