Iyer CS, Schrock JM, Johnson A, Gorbach PM, Siminski S, Newcomb ME, McDade TW, Mustanski B. Infectious Illness Symptoms Are Associated with Elevated Anxiety in[...]
Amick AK, Eskibozkurt GE, Hosek SG, Flanagan CF, Landovitz RJ, Jin EY, Wilson CM, Freedberg KA, Weinstein MC, Kazemian P, Paltiel AD, Ciaranello AL, Neilan[...]
Wood JJ, Wood KS, Rosenau KA, Cho AC, Johnson AR, Muscatello VS, Tien IS, Straus J, Wolpe S, Zeldin A, Kazlauskas K, McLeod BD. Practitioner[...]
Weitzman ER, Minegishi M, Cox R, Wisk LE. Associations Between Patient-Reported Outcome Measures of Physical and Psychological Functioning and Willingness to Share Social Media Data[...]
Amick AK, Eskibozkurt GE, Hosek SG, Flanagan CF, Landovitz RJ, Jin EY, Wilson CM, Freedberg KA, Weinstein MC, Kazemian P, Paltiel AD, Ciaranello AL, Neilan[...]
Saleh T, Fuller T, Cambou MC, Segura ER, Kamau E, Yang S, Garner OB, Nielsen-Saines K. Epidemiology and SARS-CoV-2 Infection Patterns among Youth Followed at[...]
Rusow JA, Hidalgo MA, Calvetti S, Quint M, Wu S, Bray BC, Kipke MD. Health and service utilization among a sample of gender-diverse youth of[...]