sex differences

Chiles JW 3rd, Wilson AC, Tindal R, Lavin K, Windham S, Rossiter HB, Casaburi R, Thalacker-Mercer A, Buford TW, Patel R, Wells JM, Bamman MM,[...]

By sjmartinez • June 6, 2024

Flowers AE, Gonzalez TL, Wang Y, Santiskulvong C, Clark EL, Novoa A, Jefferies CA, Lawrenson K, Chan JL, Joshi NV, Zhu Y, Tseng HR, Wang[...]

By sjmartinez • May 3, 2024

Ji H, Gulati M, Huang TY, Kwan AC, Ouyang D, Ebinger JE, Casaletto K, Moreau KL, Skali H, Cheng S. Sex Differences in Association of[...]

By sjmartinez • February 23, 2024

Kilpatrick LA, Gupta A, Tillisch K, Labus JS, Naliboff BD, Mayer EA, Chang L. Neural correlates of perceived and relative resilience in male and female[...]

By sjmartinez • November 30, 2023

Keshvani N, Shah S, Ayodele I, Chiswell K, Alhanti B, Allen LA, Greene SJ, Yancy CW, Alonso WW, Van Spall HG, Fonarow GC, Heidenreich PA,[...]

By sjmartinez • August 27, 2023

Wang X, Jering KS, Cikes M, Tokmakova MP, Mehran R, Han Y, East C, Mody FV, Wang Y, Lewis EF, Claggett B, McMurray JJV, Granger[...]

By sjmartinez • August 24, 2023

Chang L, Gupta A, Naliboff BD, Labus J, Kilpatrick LA, Mayer EA. Maximizing Training and Mentorship in Sex as a Biological Variable Research Across Different[...]

By sjmartinez • August 17, 2023

Bhatt RR, Todorov S, Sood R, Ravichandran S, Kilpatrick LA, Peng N, Liu C, Vora PP, Jahanshad N, Gupta A. Integrated multi-modal brain signatures predict[...]

By sjmartinez • April 24, 2023

Weissman S, Pandol SJ, Ghaffar U, Boafo M, Ogbu CE, Zahdeh T, Ashary M, Nagesh VK, Kigga A, Bangolo A, Bhargava A. Impact of sex[...]

By sjmartinez • April 18, 2023

Kilpatrick LA, An HM, Pawar S, Sood R, Gupta A. Neuroimaging Investigations of Obesity: a Review of the Treatment of Sex from 2010. Curr Obes[...]

By sjmartinez • March 19, 2023