Howell EC, Sakai-Bizmark R, Richardson S, Pak Y, Lee SL, DeUgarte DA. Navigating Limited Resources-Outpatient Pediatric Cholecystectomies at Rural Hospitals. J Pediatr Surg. 2025 Jan[...]
Howell EC, Sakai-Bizmark R, Karunungan K, Pak Y, Ugarte R, Richardson S, DeUgarte DA, Lee SL. Disparities in outpatient rural cholecystectomy outcomes. Am J Surg.[...]
Awujoola AO, Mokikan MT, Odebunmi OO, Mamudu HM, Stewart DW, Husari G, Singh K, Grant C, Budoff M, Paul TK. Factors Associated With Myocardial Infarction[...]
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Kramer BJ, Weintraub NT, Richter-Lagha RA. Infusing geriatrics in Indian Health Service general primary care clinics: Extending VA workforce development training. Gerontol Geriatr Educ. 2023[...]
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Gaither TW, Sigalos JT, Landovitz RJ, Mills JN, Litwin MS, Eleswarapu SV. Engagement With HIV and COVID-19 Prevention: Nationwide Cross-sectional Analysis of Users on a[...]