Frochen S, Wong MS, Neil Steers W, Yuan A, Saliba D, Washington DL. Differential Associations of Mask Mandates on COVID-19 Infection and Mortality by Community[...]
GBD 2019 Chronic Respiratory Diseases Collaborators. Global burden of chronic respiratory diseases and risk factors, 1990-2019: an update from the Global Burden of Disease Study[...]
Yen EY, Singh DR, Singh RR. Steady decrease in systemic sclerosis mortality rates at younger ages over the past five decades. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2023 May[...]
Weissman S, Aziz M, Bangolo AI, Ehrlich D, Forlemu A, Willie A, Gangwani MK, Waqar D, Terefe H, Singh A, Gonzalez DM, Sajja J, Emiroglu[...]
Mentias A, Peterson ED, Keshvani N, Kumbhani DJ, Yancy CW, Morris AA, Allen LA, Girotra S, Fonarow GC, Starling RC, Alvarez P, Desai MY, Cram[...]
Patel S, Lam PH, Kanonidis E, Ahmed AA, Raman VK, Wu WC, Rossignol P, Arundel C, Faselis C, Kanonidis IE, Deedwania P, Allman RM, Sheikh[...]
Lim MJ, Sim MS, Pan S, Alejos J, Federman M. Early Postoperative Volume Overload is a Predictor of 1-Year Post-Transplant Mortality in Pediatric Heart Transplant[...]
Mahmood SS, Riedell PA, Feldman S, George G, Sansoterra SA, Althaus T, Rehman M, Mead E, Liu JE, Devereux RB, Weinsaft JW, Kim J, Balkan[...]
Smith A, Kumar S, Moore HJ, Iskandrian AE, Nanda NC, Raman VK, Singh S, Fletcher RD, Deedwania P, Fonarow GC, Greenberg MD, Ahmed A, Lam[...]
Wang M, Li XS, Wang Z, de Oliveira Otto MC, Lemaitre RN, Fretts A, Sotoodehnia N, Budoff M, Nemet I, DiDonato JA, Tang WHW, Psaty[...]