Wray CL, Xia VW, Ershoff BD, Fields S, Scovotti JC, Grogan T, Honda HM, Kaldas FM. Utility of preoperative troponin I to predict mortality in[...]
Mozaffari E, Chandak A, Gottlieb RL, Chima-Melton C, Read SH, Lee E, Der-Torossian C, Gupta R, Berry M, Hollemeersch S, Kalil AC. Remdesivir Is Associated[...]
Bozkurt B, Ahmad T, Alexander KM, Baker WL, Bosak K, Breathett K, Fonarow GC, Heidenreich P, Ho JE, Hsich E, Ibrahim NE, Jones LM, Khan[...]
Zainul O, Perry D, Pan M, Lau J, Zarzuela K, Kim R, Konerman MC, Hummel SL, Goyal P. Malnutrition in heart failure with preserved ejection[...]
Gruenewald T, Seeman TE, Choo TH, Scodes J, Snyder C, Pavlicova M, Weinstein M, Schwartz JE, Mukkamala R, Sloan RP. Cardiovascular variability, sociodemographics, and biomarkers[...]
Roberts E, Copeland C, Humphreys K, Shover CL. Drug-related deaths among housed and homeless individuals in the UK and the USA: comparative retrospective cohort study.[...]
Mozaffari E, Chandak A, Gottlieb RL, Chima-Melton C, Read SH, Jiang H, Chiang M, Lee E, Gupta R, Berry M, Kalil AC. Remdesivir reduced mortality[...]
Weissman S, Sharma S, Ehrlich D, Aziz M, Bangolo A, Gade A, Thompson-Edwards A, Singla K, Venkatesh HK, Hoo Kim M, Muthineni VAB, Makrani M,[...]
Chang JL, Goldberg AN, Alt JA, Mohammed A, Ashbrook L, Auckley D, Ayappa I, Bakhtiar H, Barrera JE, Bartley BL, Billings ME, Boon MS, Bosschieter[...]
Frochen S, Wong MS, Neil Steers W, Yuan A, Saliba D, Washington DL. Differential Associations of Mask Mandates on COVID-19 Infection and Mortality by Community[...]