Kanis JA, Johansson H, McCloskey EV, Liu E, Schini M, Vandenput L, Åkesson KE, Anderson FA, Azagra R, Bager CL, Beaudart C, Bischoff-Ferrari HA, Biver[...]
Burnett-Bowie SM, Wright NC, Yu EW, Langsetmo L, Yearwood GMH, Crandall CJ, Leslie WD, Cauley JA. Response to the letter to the editor regarding "The[...]
Burnett-Bowie SM, Wright NC, Yu EW, Langsetmo L, Yearwood GMH, Crandall CJ, Leslie WD, Cauley JA. The American Society for Bone and Mineral Research Task[...]
Vandenput L, Johansson H, McCloskey EV, Liu E, Åkesson KE, Anderson FA, Azagra R, Bager CL, Beaudart C, Bischoff-Ferrari HA, Biver E, Bruyère O, Cauley[...]
Lorentzon M, Johansson H, Harvey NC, Liu E, Vandenput L, Crandall CJ, Cauley JA, LeBoff MS, McCloskey EV, Kanis JA. Menopausal hormone therapy reduces the[...]