
Amar D, Gay NR, Jimenez-Morales D, Jean Beltran PM, Ramaker ME, Raja AN, Zhao B, Sun Y, Marwaha S, Gaul DA, Hershman SG, Ferrasse A,[...]

By sjmartinez • May 5, 2024

Rossiter HB, Poole DC. Measuring pulmonary oxygen uptake kinetics: Contemporary perspectives. Exp Physiol. 2023 Dec 29. doi: 10.1113/EP091657. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38156673.

By sjmartinez • January 3, 2024

Wilson RL, Christopher CN, Yang EH, Barac A, Adams SC, Scott JM, Dieli-Conwright CM. Incorporating Exercise Training into Cardio-Oncology Care: Current Evidence and Opportunities: JACC: CardioOncologyState-of-the-Art Review.[...]

By sjmartinez • November 16, 2023

Gargani L, Pugliese NR, De Biase N, Mazzola M, Agoston G, Arcopinto M, Argiento P, Armstrong WF, Bandera F, Cademartiri F, Carbone A, Castaldo R,[...]

By sjmartinez • November 16, 2023

Hon A, Hsu JJ, Zambrano A, Xia Y, Lu M, Echeverri D, Kalanski S, Umar S, Demer LL, Tintut Y. Effects of activity levels on[...]

By sjmartinez • August 15, 2023

Ponder R, Chez L, Rosenthal CJ, Bravo K, Lluri G, Reardon L, Lin J, Levi DS, Aboulhosn JA. Clinical and invasively-measured predictors of high exercise[...]

By sjmartinez • July 12, 2023

Shirazipour CH, Ruggieri-Bacani RM, Lockshon L, Waring C, Jarman A, Cruz N, Bresee C, Fong AJ, Lin PH, Gresham G, Asher A, Freedland SJ. The[...]

By sjmartinez • May 24, 2023

Moore TM, Lee S, Olsen T, Morselli M, Strumwasser AR, Lin AJ, Zhou Z, Abrishami A, Garcia SM, Bribiesca J, Cory K, Whitney K, Ho[...]

By sjmartinez • May 14, 2023

Tiller NB, Stringer WW. Exercise-induced increases in "liver function tests" in a healthy adult male: Is there a knowledge gap in primary care? J Family[...]

By sjmartinez • April 8, 2023

Illidi CR, Romer LM, Johnson MA, Williams NC, Rossiter HB, Casaburi R, Tiller NB. Distinguishing science from pseudoscience in commercial respiratory interventions: an evidence-based guide[...]

By sjmartinez • March 15, 2023