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Mafi JN, Vangala S, Kapral MK, Wu PE, Cui M, Romanov A, Kahn KL. Hospitalizations and Mortality Among Older Adults With and Without Restricted Access[...]
Wingert TE, Grogan T, Lee LK. The road to reliable paediatric perioperative risk prediction: challenges and the need for robust validation. Comment on Br J[...]
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Lau CE, DiTullio DJ, Wilhalme H, Bowles L, Moore TB, De Oliveira SN. Prevalence of Viral Infections and Serious Complications in Pediatric Hematopoietic Stem Cell[...]
Ross MK, Clark EJ, Chan W, Kafashzadeh D, Radparvar I, Gao E, Gomez A, Tran M, Sim MS, Rong G, Friedman S, Szilagyi PG, Ryan[...]
Volkmann ER, Tashkin DP, Leng M, Kim GHJ, Goldin J, Harui A, Roth MD. Biological correlates of radiological features of systemic sclerosis interstitial lung disease.[...]
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