cardiovascular diseases
Hu S, Chapski DJ, Gehred ND, Kimball TH, Gromova T, Flores A, Rowat AC, Chen J, Packard RRS, Olszewski E, Davis J, Rau CD, McKinsey[...]
Buch MH, Bhatt DL, Charles-Schoeman C, Giles JT, Mikuls T, Koch GG, Ytterberg S, Nagy E, Jo H, Kwok K, Connell CA, Masri KR, Yndestad[...]
Brownell NK, Ziaeian B, Jackson NJ, Richards AK. Trends in Income Inequities in Cardiovascular Health Among US Adults, 1988-2018. Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes. 2024 Apr[...]
Slart RHJA, Bengel FM, Akincioglu C, Bourque JM, Chen W, Dweck MR, Hacker M, Malhotra S, Miller EJ, Pelletier-Galarneau M, Packard RRS, Schindler TH, Weinberg[...]
Ortiz R, Kershaw KN, Zhao S, Kline D, Brock G, Jaffee S, Golden SH, Ogedegbe G, Carroll J, Seeman TE, Joseph JJ. Evidence for the[...]
Lu Y, Liu Y, Jastreboff AM, Khera R, Ndumele CD, Rodriguez F, Watson KE, Krumholz HM. Eligibility for Cardiovascular Risk Reduction Therapy in the United[...]
Diamond JE, Kaltenbach LA, Granger BB, Fonarow GC, Al-Khalidi HR, Albert NM, Butler J, Allen LA, Lanfear DE, Thibodeau JT, Granger CB, Hernandez AF, Ariely[...]
Ruffenach G, Medzikovic L, Sun W, Hong J, Eghbali M. Functions of RNA-Binding Proteins in Cardiovascular Disease. Cells. 2023 Dec 8;12(24):2794. doi: 10.3390/cells12242794. PMID: 38132114;[...]
Razavi AC, Kim C, van Assen M, De Cecco CN, Berman DS, Budoff MJ, Quyyumi AA, Vaccarino V, Miedema MD, Nasir K, Rozanski A, Fernandez[...]
Natterson-Horowitz B, Linde A. Cardiomyopathy Across the Tree of Life: Insights for Clinicians and Investigators. Circ Heart Fail. 2023 Jul 26:e010485. doi: 10.1161/CIRCHEARTFAILURE.123.010485. Epub ahead[...]