cardiovascular disease
Verghese D, Hamal S, Ghanem A, Kinninger A, Javier D, Ichikawa K, Benzing T, Krishnan S, Kianoush S, Hamidi H, Bagheri M, Abraham D, Deljavanghodrti[...]
Krishnan S, Aldana-Bitar J, Golub I, Kianoush S, Benzing T, Ichikawa K, Budoff MJ. Testosterone replacement therapy and cardiovascular risk: TRAVERSE with caution. Prog Cardiovasc[...]
Shah CH, Fonarow GC, Echouffo-Tcheugui JB. Trends in direct health care costs among US adults with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease with and without diabetes. Cardiovasc Diabetol.[...]
Karady J, Lu MT, Bergström G, Mayrhofer T, Taron J, Foldyna B, Paradis K, McCallum S, Aberg JA, Currier JS, Fitch KV, Fulda ES, Bloomfield[...]
Devarajan A, Wang K, Lokhandwala ZA, Emamimeybodi M, Shannon K, Tompkins JD, Hevener AL, Lusis AJ, Abel ED, Vaseghi M. Myocardial infarction causes sex-dependent dysfunction[...]
Barkas F, Sener YZ, Golforoush PA, Kheirkhah A, Rodriguez-Sanchez E, Novak J, Apellaniz-Ruiz M, Akyea RK, Bianconi V, Ceasovschih A, Chee YJ, Cherska M, Chora[...]
Venkatesh KK, Khan SS, Catov J, Wu J, McNeil R, Greenland P, Wu J, Levine LD, Yee LM, Simhan HN, Haas DM, Reddy UM, Saade[...]
Razavi AC, Richardson LC, Coronado F, Dzaye O, Bhatia HS, Mehta A, Quyyumi AA, Vaccarino V, Budoff MJ, Nasir K, Tsimikas S, Whelton SP, Blaha[...]
Vazirian F, Sadeghi M, Kelesidis T, Budoff MJ, Zandi Z, Samadi S, Mohammadpour AH. Predictive value of lipoprotein(a) in coronary artery calcification among asymptomatic cardiovascular[...]
Patel N, Mittal N, Wilkinson MJ, Taub PR. Unique features of dyslipidemia in women across a lifetime and a tailored approach to management. Am J[...]