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Dua A, Corson M, Sauk JS, Jaffe N, Limketkai BN. Impact of malnutrition and nutrition support in hospitalised patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Aliment Pharmacol[...]
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Farrell MJ, Grogan TR, Raldow AC. Impact of Prediagnosis Risk of Major Depressive Disorder and Health-Related Quality of Life on Treatment Choice for Stage II-III[...]
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Dasharathy SS, Long MD, Lackner JM, Ben-Ami Shor D, Yang L, Bar N, Ha C, Weiss GA. Psychological Factors Associated With Adherence to Oral Treatment[...]
Mukamel DB, Saliba D, Ladd H, Konetzka RT. Association of Staffing Instability With Quality of Nursing Home Care. JAMA Netw Open. 2023 Jan 3;6(1):e2250389. doi:[...]