Veterans Administration
Seligman BJ, Berry SD, Lipsitz LA, Travison TG, Kiel DP. Epigenetic Age Acceleration and Change in Frailty in MOBILIZE Boston. J Gerontol A Biol Sci[...]
The department of medicine is pleased to share that Michael One, MD, PhD has been appointed associate chief of staff for research and development (ACOS/R)[...]
Schuttner L, Guo R, Wong E, Jimenez E, Klein M, Roy S, Rosland AM, Chang ET. High-Risk Patient Experiences Associated With an Intensive Primary Care[...]
Sykes JE, Gamage CD, Haake DA, Nally JE. Understanding leptospirosis: application of state-of-the-art molecular typing tools with a One Health lens. Am J Vet Res.[...]
Morales-Martínez M, Vega MI. Role of MicroRNA-7 (MiR-7) in Cancer Physiopathology. Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Aug 13;23(16):9091. doi: 10.3390/ijms23169091. PMID: 36012357; PMCID: PMC9408913.
Dr. Ramin Salehi-Rad was awarded the Career Development Award from the Department of Veteran Affairs. His research entitled Flt3l gene-modified cDC1 in situ vaccination in NSCLC:[...]
Ganz DA, Yuan AH, Greene EJ, Latham NK, Araujo K, Siu AL, Magaziner J, Gurwitz JH, Wu AW, Alexander NB, Wallace RB, Greenspan SL, Rich[...]
Brady JE, Linsky AM, Simon SR, Yeksigian K, Rubin A, Zillich AJ, Russ-Jara AL. The Perceived Effectiveness of Secure Messaging for Medication Reconciliation During Transitions[...]
Young-Xu Y, Zwain GM, Izurieta HS, Korves C, Powell EI, Smith J, Balajee A, Holodniy M, Beenhouwer DO, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Brown ST, Marconi VC. Effectiveness[...]
Chang ET, Newberry S, Rubenstein LV, Motala A, Booth MJ, Shekelle PG. Quality Measures for Patients at Risk of Adverse Outcomes in the Veterans Health[...]