Pulmonary, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine

Lee JM, Wang R, Johnson A, Ogale S, Kent M, Lee JS. Real-world adjuvant chemotherapy patterns and outcomes among elderly patients with resected early non-small-cell[...]

By sjmartinez • March 29, 2023

Patel BH, Melamed KH, Wilhalme H, Day GL, Wang T, DiNorcia J, Farmer D, Agopian V, Kaldas F, Barjaktarevic I. Implications of Pleural Fluid Composition[...]

By sjmartinez • March 29, 2023

Rous JS, Lees PSJ, Koehler K, Buckley JP, Quirós-Alcalá L, Han MK, Hoffman EA, Labaki W, Barr RG, Peters SP, Paine R 3rd, Pirozzi C,[...]

By sjmartinez • March 29, 2023

Each week, faculty and trainees in the department of medicine (DoM) co-author many publications that make important contributions to knowledge. The numbers have been as[...]

By sjmartinez • March 27, 2023

Azucenas CR, Ruwe TA, Bonamer JP, Qiao B, Ganz T, Jormakka M, Nemeth E, Mackenzie B. Comparative analysis of the functional properties of human and[...]

By sjmartinez • March 21, 2023

Todd JL, Weber JM, Kelly FL, Neely ML, Nagler A, Carmack D, Frankel CW, Brass DM, Belperio JA, Budev MM, Hartwig MG, Martinu T, Reynolds[...]

By sjmartinez • March 21, 2023

Han M, Bushong EA, Segawa M, Tiard A, Wong A, Brady MR, Momcilovic M, Wolf DM, Zhang R, Petcherski A, Madany M, Xu S, Lee[...]

By sjmartinez • March 17, 2023

Purbey PK, Roy K, Gupta S, Paul MK. Mechanistic insight into the protective and pathogenic immune-responses against SARS-CoV-2. Mol Immunol. 2023 Mar 10;156:111-126. doi: 10.1016/j.molimm.2023.03.009.[...]

By sjmartinez • March 16, 2023

The department of medicine is pleased to announce that David M. Sayah, MD, PhD has been appointed as clinical chief of the division of pulmonary & critical[...]

By rosaguerrero • March 15, 2023

Masson VK, Nussbaum E, Gelb AF, Tashkin DP, Randhawa I, Nadel JA, Fireizen Y, De Celie-Germana JK, Madera D, Senanayake D. Isolated abnormal FEF75% detects[...]

By sjmartinez • March 15, 2023