Pulmonary, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine
Evans LK, Azar SS, Chen H, Saad M, Subhash S, Su-Velez BM, St John MA. Improving HPV-Related Oropharyngeal Cancer Knowledge and HPV Vaccination Rates via[...]
Hardy TA, Chadwick MR, Ferguson C, Cross TJ, Taylor BJ. Differential effects of exercise intensity and tolerable duration on exercise-induced diaphragm and expiratory muscle fatigue.[...]
Vaes AW, Burtin C, Casaburi R, Celli BR, Evans RA, Lareau SC, Nici L, Rochester CL, Troosters T. Prevalence and prognostic importance of exercise limitation[...]
Luecke S, Guo X, Sheu KM, Singh A, Lowe SC, Han M, Diaz J, Lopes F, Wollman R, Hoffmann A. Dynamical and combinatorial coding by[...]
Banerjee S, Lu S, Jain A, Wang I, Tao H, Srinivasan S, Nemeth E, He P. Targeting PKCa alleviates iron overload in diabetes and hemochromatosis[...]
Li S, Li W, Liu B, Krysan K, Dubinett SM. Noninvasive lung cancer subtype classification using tumor-derived signatures and cfDNA methylome. Cancer Res Commun. 2024[...]
Fortis S, Guo J, Nagpal P, Chaudhary MFA, Newell JD Jr, Gerard SE, Han MK, Kazerooni EA, Martinez FJ, Barjaktarevic IZ, Barr RG, Bodduluri S,[...]
Eskander A, Khariwala SS, St John M. Sentinel Node Biopsy in Oral Cancer-Indications, Analysis, and Outcomes-Reply. JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2024 Jun 6. doi:[...]
Chiles JW 3rd, Wilson AC, Tindal R, Lavin K, Windham S, Rossiter HB, Casaburi R, Thalacker-Mercer A, Buford TW, Patel R, Wells JM, Bamman MM,[...]
Purbey PK, Seo J, Paul MK, Iwamoto KS, Daly AE, Feng AC, Champhekar AS, Langerman J, Campbell KM, Schaue D, McBride WH, Dubinett SM, Ribas[...]