Pulmonary, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine
Cooper CB. Metronome Paced Tachypnea - A Simple, Repeatable Method for Inducing Dynamic Hyperinflation. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2023 Nov 21. doi: 10.1164/rccm.202308-1515LE.[...]
Gandhi SA, Min B, Fazio JC, Johannson KA, Steinmaus C, Reynolds CJ, Cummings KJ. The Impact of Occupational Exposures on the Risk of Idiopathic Pulmonary[...]
Behnia M, Sietsema KE. Utility of Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Review. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis. 2023 Dec 5;18:2895-2910.[...]
Kruser JM, Ashana DC, Courtright KR, Kross EK, Neville TH, Rubin E, Schenker Y, Sullivan D, Thornton JD, Viglianti EM, Costa DK, Creutzfeldt CJ, Detsky[...]
Lewis NM, Zhu Y, Peltan ID, Gaglani M, McNeal T, Ghamande S, Steingrub JS, Shapiro NI, Duggal A, Bender WS, Taghizadeh L, Brown SM, Hager[...]
Within the Department of Medicine (DoM) at UCLA, trainees are the heartbeat of our community. The medical students, residents, fellows, and postdocs who make up[...]
Hong E, Parsons SM, Sass L, Epstein C, Chan L, Brown C, Eshaghian PH, Beringer PM. Preliminary evidence for sustained efficacy of CFTR modulator therapy[...]
Qadir N, Sahetya S, Munshi L, Summers C, Abrams D, Beitler J, Bellani G, Brower RG, Burry L, Chen JT, Hodgson C, Hough CL, Lamontagne[...]
Bhatt SP, Casaburi R, Agusti A, Celli BR, Miller BE, Putcha N, Rommes J, Dransfield MT; Medical and Scientific Advisory Committee of the COPD Foundation.[...]
Belkora JK, Ortiz DeBoque L, Folmer RL, Totten AM, Williams K, Whooley MA, Boudreau E, Atwood CW, Zeidler M, Rezayat T, Chilakamarri P, Sarmiento KF.[...]