
Li Q, Zhang Q, Kim YR, Gaddam RR, Jacobs JS, Bachschmid MM, Younis T, Zhu Z, Zingman L, London B, Rauckhorst AJ, Taylor EB, Norris[...]

By sjmartinez • September 12, 2023

Shechter A, Kaewkes D, Patel V, Vaturi M, Wangmang F, Koseki K, Koren O, Nagasaka T, Makar M, Chakravarty T, Skaf S, Makkar RR, Siegel[...]

By sjmartinez • September 12, 2023

Filip AB, Farnsworth CW, Mullins ME, Crews BO, Kraut JA. Accuracy of a Glycerol Dehydrogenase Assay for Ethylene Glycol Detection. J Med Toxicol. 2023 Sep[...]

By sjmartinez • September 12, 2023

Chow KW, Futela P, Saharan A, Saab S. Comparison of Guidelines for the Screening, Diagnosis, and Noninvasive Assessment of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. J Clin[...]

By sjmartinez • September 11, 2023

Gruenewald T, Seeman TE, Choo TH, Scodes J, Snyder C, Pavlicova M, Weinstein M, Schwartz JE, Mukkamala R, Sloan RP. Cardiovascular variability, sociodemographics, and biomarkers[...]

By sjmartinez • September 11, 2023

Chehab O, Shabani M, Varadarajan V, Wu CO, Watson KE, Yeboah J, Post WS, Ambale-Venkatesh B, Bluemke DA, Michos E, Lima JAC. Endogenous Sex Hormone[...]

By sjmartinez • September 11, 2023

Jones MP, Browning K, Corsetti M, Keszthelyi D, Shin A, Singh R, Visaggi P, Zerbib F. Appropriate use of p-values. Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2023 Sep 11:e14664.[...]

By sjmartinez • September 11, 2023

Murali CN, Barber JR, McCarter R, Zhang A, Gallant N, Simpson K, Dorrani N, Wilkening GN, Hays RD, Lichter-Konecki U; Members of the Urea Cycle[...]

By sjmartinez • September 11, 2023

Warus J, Hidalgo MA, Belzer M, Olson-Kennedy J. Acute HIV Diagnosis After Initiation of Pre-exposure Prophylaxis in a Young Adult Patient: A Case Report. J[...]

By sjmartinez • September 11, 2023

Ravindran R, O'Connor E, Gupta A, Luciw PA, Khan AI, Dorreh N, Chiang K, Ikram A, Reddy S. Lipid Mediators and Cytokines/Chemokines Display Differential Profiles[...]

By sjmartinez • September 11, 2023