Message from the Chair
The core values of our strategic plan = LEADERS. Developing leaders among our early and mid-career women faculty The Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), of[...]
Happy New Year! I am pleased to welcome you back to the department after what I hope was a joyous and restful holiday with friends[...]
2023 has given us much to celebrate in the department of medicine. I would like to take this opportunity to thank YOU for all that you do[...]
This week I want to highlight many ways in which members of our faculty are leaders in innovation and the impact of their work within[...]
Department of Medicine’s Strategic Plan Brochure For over 10 months, the department of medicine (DoM) has worked diligently to create a strategic plan that will[...]
Within the Department of Medicine (DoM) at UCLA, trainees are the heartbeat of our community. The medical students, residents, fellows, and postdocs who make up[...]
I trust that most of you had a meaningful Thanksgiving break and were able to spend quality time with family and loved ones. I hope[...]
On Friday, November 17, the department of medicine (DoM) continued its tradition of hosting the annual department-wide Research Day, which was held at Ackerman Union[...]
In my most recent reflections, I shared with you the overall vision, values, and mission-focused goals of our department’s strategic plan, the specific strategies identified to[...]
In last week’s reflection, I shared with you the overall vision, goals, and mission pillars of our department’s strategic plan. The plan is ambitious and will[...]