Message from the Chair
Last week, I presented our state of the department, outlining where we’ve been, where we’re going, and plans for how we’ll get there. We are LEADERS and[...]
It was my great honor and pleasure to deliver last week's Grand Rounds on the State of the Department of Medicine. First, I want to say[...]
This week I highlight members of our department representing trainees, junior faculty and senior faculty whose contributions and recognition exemplify the core values of our[...]
Yesterday, we took time to honor the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., a martyred visionary whose legacy continues to shape the fabric of[...]
The core values of our strategic plan = LEADERS. Developing leaders among our early and mid-career women faculty The Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), of[...]
Happy New Year! I am pleased to welcome you back to the department after what I hope was a joyous and restful holiday with friends[...]
2023 has given us much to celebrate in the department of medicine. I would like to take this opportunity to thank YOU for all that you do[...]
This week I want to highlight many ways in which members of our faculty are leaders in innovation and the impact of their work within[...]
Department of Medicine’s Strategic Plan Brochure For over 10 months, the department of medicine (DoM) has worked diligently to create a strategic plan that will[...]
Within the Department of Medicine (DoM) at UCLA, trainees are the heartbeat of our community. The medical students, residents, fellows, and postdocs who make up[...]