Harbor UCLA
Rappai J, Crabtree JH, Mancini A, Badugu SK, Kaushal A, Gellens ME. Compatibility and stability of non-ionic iodinated contrast media in peritoneal dialysis solution and[...]
Zhang P, Miyata KN, Nast CC, LaPage JA, Mahoney M, Nguyen S, Khan K, Wu Q, Adler SG, Dai T. Dual therapy with an angiotensin[...]
Tantisattamo E, Kalantar-Zadeh K. PRECEDE/PROCEED Framework for Public Health Program Planning in Preparation for Current and Future Unprecedented Events for Kidney and Transplant Patients. Kidney[...]
Bird JD, Sands SA, Alex RM, Shing CLH, Shafer BM, Jendzjowsky NG, Wilson RJA, Day TA, Foster GE. Sex-Related Differences in Loop Gain During High[...]
Karpouzas GA, Papotti B, Ormseth SR, Palumbo M, Hernandez E, Adorni MP, Zimetti F, Budoff MJ, Ronda N. ATP-binding cassette G1 membrane transporter-mediated cholesterol efflux[...]
Chin JL, Chan LC, Yeaman MR, Meyer AS. Tensor-based insights into systems immunity and infectious disease. Trends Immunol. 2023 Mar 29:S1471-4906(23)00047-9. doi: 10.1016/j.it.2023.03.003. Epub ahead[...]
Casaburi R, Hess M, Porszasz J, Clark W, Diesem R, Tal-Singer R, Ferguson C. Evaluation of Over-the-Counter Portable Oxygen Concentrators Utilizing a Metabolic Simulator. Respir[...]
Bruckner TA, Huo S, Huynh M, Du S, Young A, Ro A. Psychiatric Emergencies in Los Angeles County During, and After, Initial COVID-19 Societal Restrictions:[...]
Tallman DA, Khor BH, Karupaiah T, Khosla P, Chan M, Kopple JD. Nutritional Adequacy of Essential Nutrients in Low Protein Animal-Based and Plant-Based Diets in[...]
Ekramzadeh M, Moore LW, Kalantar-Zadeh K, Kopple JD. Phytate and Kidney Health: The Roles of Dietary Phytate in Inhibiting Intestinal Phosphorus Absorption and Intravenous Phytate[...]