
Lechner MG, Brent GA. A New Twist on a Classic: Enhancing Radioiodine Uptake in Advanced Thyroid Cancer. Clin Cancer Res. 2024 Jan 10. doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-23-3503.[...]

By sjmartinez • January 11, 2024

Hughes O, Bentley AR, Breeze CE, Aguet F, Xu X, Nadkarni G, Sun Q, Lin BM, Gilliland T, Meyer MC, Du J, Raffield LM, Kramer[...]

By sjmartinez • January 9, 2024

Sun Y, Chen S, Lu Y, Xu Z, Fu W, Yan W. Single-cell transcriptomic analyses of tumor microenvironment and molecular reprograming landscape of metastatic laryngeal[...]

By sjmartinez • January 9, 2024

You AS, Kalantar-Zadeh K, Brent GA, Narasaki Y, Daza A, Sim JJ, Kovesdy CP, Nguyen DV, Rhee CM. Impact of Thyroid Status on Incident Kidney[...]

By sjmartinez • January 5, 2024

Happy New Year! I am pleased to welcome you back to the department after what I hope was a joyous and restful holiday with friends[...]

By sjmartinez • January 3, 2024

Jacob S, Kosaka Y, Bhatlekar S, Denorme F, Benzon H, Moody A, Moody V, Tugolukova E, Hull G, Kishimoto N, Manne BK, Guo L, Souvenir[...]

By sjmartinez • December 29, 2023

2023 has given us much to celebrate in the department of medicine. I would like to take this opportunity to thank YOU for all that you do[...]

By sjmartinez • December 27, 2023

Yeh MW. The Molecular Landscape of Thyroid Nodules: Diagnostic and Prognostic Revelations From a Large Multicenter Cohort. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2023 Dec 21;109(1):e422-e423. doi:[...]

By sjmartinez • December 25, 2023

Yu R. Diffuse Involvement of Pancreas Should Raise Suspicion of Mahvash Disease, an Autosomal Recessive Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumor Syndrome. Acad Radiol. 2022 Nov;29(11):1771. doi: 10.1016/j.acra.2022.08.003.[...]

By sjmartinez • December 22, 2023

Berg EA, Dao L, Yu R, Hurtado C. Artri King-induced Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal Axis Disruption: A Report of 3 Cases. JCEM Case Rep. 2023 Dec 19;2(1):luad154. doi:[...]

By sjmartinez • December 20, 2023