
Khan SU, Yedlapati SH, Lone AN, Khan MS, Wenger NK, Watson KE, Gulati M, Hays AG, Michos ED. A comparative analysis of premature heart disease-[...]

By rosaguerrero • May 23, 2022

Mondésert B, Moore JP, Khairy P. Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices in the Fontan Patient. Can J Cardiol. 2022 May 16:S0828-282X(22)00281-1. doi: 10.1016/j.cjca.2022.04.024. Epub ahead of[...]

By rosaguerrero • May 20, 2022

Khan SS, Fonarow GC. Very Elevated High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol and Mortality-The Good Gone Bad? JAMA Cardiol. 2022 May 18. doi: 10.1001/jamacardio.2022.0924. Epub ahead of print.[...]

By rosaguerrero • May 19, 2022

Velez LM, Van C, Moore T, Zhou Z, Johnson C, Hevener AL, Seldin MM. Genetic variation of putative myokine signaling is dominated by biological sex[...]

By rosaguerrero • May 18, 2022

Usman MS, Van Spall HGC, Greene SJ, Pandey A, McGuire DK, Ali ZA, Mentz RJ, Fonarow GC, Spertus JA, Anker SD, Butler J, James SK,[...]

By rosaguerrero • May 18, 2022

Led by Tzung Hsiai, MD, PhD, professor of medicine and bioengineering, the Maud Cady Guthman Endowed Term Chair in Cardiology, and co-directed by Keith C.[...]

By rosaguerrero • May 17, 2022

Elam RE, Bůžková P, Barzilay JI, Wang Z, Nemet I, Budoff MJ, Cauley JA, Fink HA, Lee Y, Robbins JA, Wang M, Hazen SL, Mozaffarian[...]

By rosaguerrero • May 17, 2022

Kim WJ, Dacey M, Samarage HM, Zarrin D, Goel K, Chan C, Qi X, Wang AC, Shivkumar K, Ardell J, Colby GP. Sympathetic nervous system[...]

By rosaguerrero • May 15, 2022

Urbanczyk M, Zbinden A, Schenke-Layland K. Organ-specific endothelial cell heterogenicity and its impact on regenerative medicine and biomedical engineering applications. Adv Drug Deliv Rev. 2022[...]

By rosaguerrero • May 14, 2022

Javaid A, Dardari ZA, Mitchell JD, Whelton SP, Dzaye O, Lima JAC, Lloyd-Jones DM, Budoff M, Nasir K, Berman DS, Rumberger J, Miedema MD, Villines[...]

By rosaguerrero • May 14, 2022