Shahid I, Fonarow GC, Greene SJ. Time to Quadruple Guideline-Directed Medical Therapy as a Key Performance Measure for Heart Failure. J Card Fail. 2023 Mar[...]
Shahandeh N, Parikh RV. Invasive Intracoronary Imaging of Cardiac Allograft Vasculopathy: Established Modalities and Emerging Technologies. Interv Cardiol Clin. 2023 Apr;12(2):269-280. doi: 10.1016/j.iccl.2022.12.005. PMID: 36922067.
Sridharan A, Tang A, Sorg JM, Hoftman NN, Lee JM, Yanagawa J, Vaseghi M. Effect of Bilateral Cardiac Sympathetic Denervation on Burden of Premature Ventricular[...]
Isath A, Malik A, Bandyopadhyay D, Goel A, Hajra A, Contreras J, Lanier GM, Fonarow GC. A Comparison of COVID-19 and Influenza-Associated Myocarditis: A Nationwide[...]
Zhu Y, Motin MA, Cui Q. Editorial: Highlights in diagnostic and therapeutic devices 2021/22. Front Med Technol. 2023 Feb 22;5:1119558. doi: 10.3389/fmedt.2023.1119558. PMID: 36908291; PMCID:[...]
Zhou L, Lin C, Torosyan N, Rao S, Mehra A, Bender A. Percutaneous Retrieval of an Embolized Transcatheter Mitral Valve Repair Clip Causing ST-Segment Elevation[...]
Smith A, Kumar S, Moore HJ, Iskandrian AE, Nanda NC, Raman VK, Singh S, Fletcher RD, Deedwania P, Fonarow GC, Greenberg MD, Ahmed A, Lam[...]
I have a star-studded line up this week, reflecting some of the best of our trainees and faculty, and their exposure on the national stage.[...]
Dixit NM, Parikh NU, Ziaeian B, Jackson N, Fonarow GC. Cost-Effectiveness of Comprehensive Quadruple Therapy for Heart Failure With Reduced Ejection Fraction. JACC Heart Fail. 2023[...]
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