tetralogy of Fallot
Moore JP, Waldmann V, Bessière F, Babouri N, Cohen MI, O'Leary ET, Patel NS, Nazer B, Tan W, Fish FA, Dalal AS, Mariucci E, Tan[...]
Gillespie MJ, Maschietto N, Aboulhosn JA, Balzer DT, Qureshi AM, McElhinney DB. Extravascular protrusion of the Alterra adaptive prestent identified on surveillance computed tomography imaging.[...]
McElhinney DB, Gillespie MJ, Aboulhosn JA, Cabalka AK, Morray BH, Balzer DT, Qureshi AM, Hoskoppal AK, Goldstein BH. Transcatheter Pulmonary Valve Replacement With the Harmony[...]
Goldstein BH, McElhinney DB, Gillespie MJ, Aboulhosn JA, Levi DS, Morray BH, Cabalka AK, Love BA, Zampi JD, Balzer DT, Law MA, Schiff MD, Hoskoppal[...]
Moore JP, Su J, Shannon KM, Perens GS, Newlon C, Bradfield JS, Shivkumar K. Multidetector Computed Tomography Assessment of Anatomical Ventricular Tachycardia Isthmuses in Repaired[...]
Ramdat Misier NL, Moore J, Nguyen HH, Lloyd MS, Dubin AM, Mah DY, Czosek RJ, Khairy P, Chang PM, Nielsen JC, Aydin A, Pilcher TA,[...]
Stefanescu Schmidt AC, Armstrong AK, Aboulhosn JA, Kennedy KF, Jones TK, Levi DS, McElhinney DB, Bhatt AB. Transcatheter Pulmonary Valve Replacement With Balloon-Expandable Valves: Utilization and[...]
Moore JP, Shannon KM, Khairy P, Waldmann V, Bessière F, Burrows A, Su J, Shivkumar K. Sinus rhythm QRS morphology reflects right ventricular activation and[...]
Moore JP, Aboulhosn JA, Zeppenfeld K, Waldmann V, Bessière F, Blom NA, Combes N, Fish FA, McLeod CJ, Kanter RJ, Tan W, Patel N, von[...]