systemic vasculitis
Kermani TA. Correspondence on 'Severity of COVID-19 and survival in patients with rheumatic and inflammatory diseases: data from the French RMD COVID-19 cohort of 694[...]
Misra DP, Sharma A, Karpouzas GA, Kitas GD. Cardiovascular risk in vasculitis. Best Pract Res Clin Rheumatol. 2023 Jun 9:101831. doi: 10.1016/j.berh.2023.101831. Epub ahead of[...]
Dejaco C, Ponte C, Monti S, Rozza D, Scirè CA, Terslev L, Bruyn GAW, Boumans D, Hartung W, Hočevar A, Milchert M, Døhn UM, Mukhtyar[...]