south africa

Miller AP, Dean SS, Court L, Mvududu R, Mashele N, Wara NJ, Myer L, Shoptaw S, Davey DLJ. "So that's why I found PrEP to[...]

By sjmartinez • February 16, 2024

Khadka N, Gorbach PM, Nyemba DC, Mvududu R, Mashele N, Javanbakht M, Nianogo RA, Aldrovandi GM, Bekker LG, Coates TJ, Myer L, Joseph Davey DL.[...]

By sjmartinez • October 5, 2023

Li KT, Li F, Jaspan H, Nyemba D, Myer L, Aldrovandi G, Joseph-Davey D. Changes in the Vaginal Microbiome During Pregnancy and the Postpartum Period[...]

By sjmartinez • September 19, 2023

Beesham I, Milford C, Smit J, Joseph Davey DL, Baeten JM, Heffron R, Beksinska M, Mansoor LE. Post-trial access to and use of pre-exposure prophylaxis[...]

By sjmartinez • June 23, 2023

Wara NJ, Mvududu R, Marwa MM, Gómez L, Mashele N, Orrell C, Moucheraud C, Kinuthia J, John-Stewart G, Myer L, Hoffman R, Pintye J, Davey[...]

By sjmartinez • May 24, 2023

Haribhai S, Khadka N, Mvududu R, Mashele N, Bekker LG, Gorbach P, Coates TJ, Myer L, Joseph Davey DL. Psychosocial determinants of pre-exposure prophylaxis use[...]

By sjmartinez • March 23, 2023

Joseph Davey D, Nyemba DC, Castillo-Mancilla J, Wiesner L, Norman J, Mvududu R, Mashele N, Johnson LF, Bekker LG, Gorbach P, Coates TJ, Myer L.[...]

By sjmartinez • December 9, 2022