Skilled nursing facility

Leland NE, Prusynski RA, Shore AD, Cary MP Jr, Falvey J, Mroz T, Saliba D. Skilled nursing facility staffing shortages: Sources, strategies, and impacts on[...]

By sjmartinez • June 27, 2024

Leland NE, Rouch SA, Prusynski RA, Shore AD, Kaufman H, Hoover LP, Mroz TM, Freburger JK, Saliba D. Implementation of US Post-Acute Care Payment Reform[...]

By sjmartinez • October 28, 2023

Chodosh J, Mitchell MN, Cadogan M, Brody AA, Alessi CA, Hernandez DE, Mangold M, Martin JL. Improving sleep using mentored behavioral and environmental restructuring (SLUMBER):[...]

By sjmartinez • January 31, 2023