pulmonary circulation

Gillespie MJ, Maschietto N, Aboulhosn JA, Balzer DT, Qureshi AM, McElhinney DB. Extravascular protrusion of the Alterra adaptive prestent identified on surveillance computed tomography imaging.[...]

By sjmartinez • July 6, 2024

Gargani L, Pugliese NR, De Biase N, Mazzola M, Agoston G, Arcopinto M, Argiento P, Armstrong WF, Bandera F, Cademartiri F, Carbone A, Castaldo R,[...]

By sjmartinez • November 16, 2023

Hermann EA, Motahari A, Hoffman EA, Allen N, Bertoni AG, Bluemke DA, Eskandari A, Gerard SE, Guo J, Hiura GT, Kaczka DW, Michos ED, Nagpal[...]

By sjmartinez • August 31, 2022