
Blair KJ, Torres TS, Hoagland B, Bezerra DRB, Veloso VG, Grinsztejn B, Clark J, Luz PM. Moderating Effect of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Use on the Association[...]

By sjmartinez • November 3, 2023

Jadotte Y, Buchholz B, Carroll W, Frum-Vassallo D, MacPherson J, Cole S. Brief Action Planning in Health and Health Care: A Scoping Review. Med Clin[...]

By sjmartinez • October 9, 2023

Molitch ME, Tripputi M, Levey AS, Crandall JP, Dabelea D, Herman WH, Knowler WC, Orchard TJ, Schroeder EB, Srikanthan P, Temprosa M, White NH, Nathan[...]

By sjmartinez • August 23, 2023

Miller T, Hana D, Patel B, Conte J, Velu D, Avalon JC, Thyagaturu H, Sankaramangalam K, Shotwell M, Guzman DB, Kadiyala M, Balla S, Kim[...]

By sjmartinez • August 6, 2023

Nadarajah R, Younsi T, Romer E, Raveendra K, Nakao Y, Nakao K, Shuweidhi F, Hogg D, Arbel R, Zahger D, Iakobishvili Z, Fonarow GC, Petrie[...]

By sjmartinez • July 5, 2023

Seaton KE, Huang Y, Karuna S, Heptinstall JR, Brackett C, Chiong K, Zhang L, Yates NL, Sampson M, Rudnicki E, Juraska M, deCamp AC, Edlefsen[...]

By sjmartinez • June 12, 2023

Golovaty I, Bergman M, Moin T. Response to the Letter to the Editor: "Two Decade of Diabetes Prevention Efforts: A Call to Innovate and Revitalize[...]

By sjmartinez • April 28, 2023

Marzinke MA, Fogel JM, Wang Z, Piwowar-Manning E, Kofron R, Moser A, Bhandari P, Gollings R, Bushman LR, Weng L, Halvas EK, Mellors J, Anderson[...]

By sjmartinez • March 31, 2023

Naggie S, Milstone A, Castro M, Collins SP, Lakshmi S, Anderson DJ, Cahuayme-Zuniga L, Turner KB, Cohen LW, Currier J, Fraulo E, Friedland A, Garg[...]

By sjmartinez • March 22, 2023

Kupferwasser D, Flores EA, Merino P, Phan Tran D, Bolaris M, Gonzales M, Nguyen MH, Balo A, Abueg A, Da Silva W, Astorga-Cook L, Liu[...]

By sjmartinez • March 22, 2023