Post Doc
Donovan A, Assari S, Grella C, Shaheen M, Richter L, Friedman TC. Early life stress and pubertal predictors of subsequent substance use in a national[...]
Zhang TH, Shi Y, Komarova NL, Wordaz D, Kostelny M, Gonzales A, Abbaali I, Chen H, Bresson-Tan G, Dimapasoc M, Harvey W, Oh C, Carmona[...]
Mu W, Tomer S, Harding J, Kedia N, Rezek V, Cook E, Patankar V, Carrillo MA, Martin H, Ng HL, Wang L, Marsden MD, Kitchen[...]
Xie Y, Irwin S, Nelson B, van Daelen M, Fontenot L, Jacobs JP, Cappelletti M, Feng H, Li Y, Koon HW. Citrulline inhibits Clostridioides difficile[...]
Petcherski A, Tingley BM, Martin A, Adams S, Brownstein AJ, Steinberg RA, Shabane B, Ngo J, Osto C, Garcia G Jr, Veliova M, Arumugaswami V,[...]
Lone M, Anwar T, Sinnett-Smith J, Jin YP, Reed EF, Rozengurt E. Antibody ligation of HLA class II induces YAP nuclear localization and formation of[...]
Wu K, Ge XX, Duan XF, Li JQ, Wang K, Chen QH, Huang ZM, Zhang WY, Wu Y, Li Q. Wip1 phosphatase activator QGC-8-52 specifically[...]
Delgadillo DR, Borelli JL, Mayer EA, Labus JS, Cross MP, Pressman SD. Biological, environmental, and psychological stress and the human gut microbiome in healthy adults.[...]
Fiaz M, Elsadek MF, Al-Numair KS, Chaudhry SR, Saleem M, Khan KUR, Yehya AHS, Asif M. Down-regulation of interlinked inflammatory signalling cascades by ethanolic extract[...]
Hultgren NW, Petcherski A, Torriano S, Komirisetty R, Sharma M, Zhou T, Burgess BL, Ngo J, Osto C, Shabane B, Shirihai OS, Kelesidis T, Williams[...]