physical function
Hays RD, Haas A, Haviland AM, Martino SC, Orr N, Binion J, Elliott MN. Factors associated with self-reports of limitations in activities of daily living[...]
Sedrak MS, Sun CL, Bae M, Freedman RA, Magnuson A, O'Connor T, Moy B, Wildes TM, Klepin HD, Chapman AE, Tew WP, Dotan E, Fenton[...]
Crandall CJ, Larson J, Shadyab AH, LeBoff MS, Wactawski-Wende J, Weitlauf JC, Saquib N, Cauley JA, Saquib J, Ensrud KE. Physical function trajectory after wrist[...]
Willinger CM, Waddell KJ, Arora V, Patel MS, Ryan Greysen S. Patient-reported sleep and physical function during and after hospitalization. Sleep Health. 2023 Dec 26:S2352-7218(23)00301-7.[...]
Sathiaseelan R, Ahn B, Stout MB, Logan S, Wanagat J, Van M Nguyen H, Hord NG, Vandiver AR, Selvarani R, Ranjit R, Yarbrough H, Masingale[...]
Lange-Maia BS, El Khoudary SR, Crandall CJ, Zhang Y, Karvonen-Gutierrez CA, Gabriel KP, Appelhans BM, Strotmeyer ES, Ylitalo KR, Karavolos K, Kravitz HM, Dugan SA,[...]