Crandall CJ, Chou S, Kim E, Ratnarajah D, Cook NR, Clar A, Sesso HD, Manson JE, LeBoff MS. Effects of Cocoa Extract Supplementation and Multivitamin/Multimineral[...]
Kanis JA, Johansson H, McCloskey EV, Liu E, Schini M, Vandenput L, Åkesson KE, Anderson FA, Azagra R, Bager CL, Beaudart C, Bischoff-Ferrari HA, Biver[...]
Koretz RL. JPEN Journal Club 90. Emulated clinical trials. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2025 Feb 6. doi: 10.1002/jpen.2729. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39912548.
Wright NC, Follis S, Larson JC, Crandall CJ, Stefanick ML, Ing SW, Cauley JA. Fractures by race and ethnicity in a diverse sample of postmenopausal[...]
Burnett-Bowie SM, Wright NC, Yu EW, Langsetmo L, Yearwood GMH, Crandall CJ, Leslie WD, Cauley JA. Response to the letter to the editor regarding "The[...]
Burnett-Bowie SM, Wright NC, Yu EW, Langsetmo L, Yearwood GMH, Crandall CJ, Leslie WD, Cauley JA. The American Society for Bone and Mineral Research Task[...]
Li D, Mao SS, Budoff MJ. Trabecular bone mineral density as measured by thoracic vertebrae predicts incident hip and vertebral fractures: the multi-ethnic study of[...]
Crandall CJ, Larson J, Shadyab AH, LeBoff MS, Wactawski-Wende J, Weitlauf JC, Saquib N, Cauley JA, Saquib J, Ensrud KE. Physical function trajectory after wrist[...]
Naghavi M, De Oliveira I, Mao SS, Jaberzadeh A, Montoya J, Zhang C, Atlas K, Manubolu V, Montes M, Li D, Atlas T, Reeves A,[...]
Lo JC, Chandra M, Lee DR, Darbinian JA, Gordon NP, Zeltser DW, Grimsrud CD, Lee C. Sex- and ethnic-specific patterns in the incidence of hip[...]