Gallo RJ, Lin S, Fang DZ, Glassman PA, Sahay A, Heidenreich PA. Inpatient Metformin Utilization and Post-hospitalization Clinical Outcomes: An Observational Cohort Study. J Gen[...]
Bramante CT, Beckman KB, Mehta T, Karger AB, Odde DJ, Tignanelli CJ, Buse JB, Johnson DM, Watson RHB, Daniel JJ, Liebovitz DM, Nicklas JM, Cohen[...]
Solomon DH, Ruppert K, Cauley JA, Lian Y, Altwies H, Shieh A, Burnett-Bowie SM. The effect of starting metformin on bone mineral density among women[...]
Molitch ME, Tripputi M, Levey AS, Crandall JP, Dabelea D, Herman WH, Knowler WC, Orchard TJ, Schroeder EB, Srikanthan P, Temprosa M, White NH, Nathan[...]