Gibson CB, Damberg CL, Escarce JJ, Zhang S, Schuler MS, Matthews LJ, Popescu I. Referral Networks, Racial Inequity, and Hospital Quality for Open Heart Surgery.[...]
Sadrolashrafi K, Hao A, Yamamoto RK, Guo L, Kikuchi R, Tolson HC, Bilimoria SN, Yee DK, Armstrong AW. The impact of insurance status on psoriasis[...]
Tang AB, Solomon N, Chiswell K, Greene SJ, Yancy CW, Jessup M, Kittleson M, Butler J, Sweitzer NK, Goldberg LR, Lindenfeld JA, Lewis EF, Peterson[...]
Hays RD, Haas A, Haviland AM, Martino SC, Orr N, Binion J, Elliott MN. Factors associated with self-reports of limitations in activities of daily living[...]
Watanabe A, Miyamoto Y, Ueyama H, Gotanda H, Tsugawa Y, Kuno T. Percutaneous Microaxial Ventricular Assist Device Versus Intra-Aortic Balloon Pump for Nonacute Myocardial Infarction[...]
Lee JM, To TM, Wang S, Lin CW, Johnson A, Meyer CS, Lee JS. Clinical and economic outcomes associated with lymph node examination status in[...]
Ernecoff NC, Anhang Price R, Klein DJ, Haviland AM, Saliba D, Orr N, Gildner J, Gaillot S, Elliott MN. Which medicare advantage enrollees are at[...]
Goldfarb JW, Mossa-Basha M, Nguyen KL, Hecht EM, Finn JP. Trends in magnetic resonance and computed tomography angiography utilization among Medicare beneficiaries between 2013 and[...]
Hays RD, Elliott MN. Performance of the Physical Functioning Activities of Daily Living Scale in the 2020 Medicare Health Outcomes Survey. Arch Phys Med Rehabil.[...]
Matthews LJ, Damberg CL, Zhang S, Escarce JJ, Gibson CB, Schuler M, Popescu I. Within-Physician Differences in Patient Sharing Between Primary Care Physicians and Cardiologists[...]