King Drew Med Ctr
Donovan A, Assari S, Grella C, Shaheen M, Richter L, Friedman TC. Early life stress and pubertal predictors of subsequent substance use in a national[...]
Wu K, Ge XX, Duan XF, Li JQ, Wang K, Chen QH, Huang ZM, Zhang WY, Wu Y, Li Q. Wip1 phosphatase activator QGC-8-52 specifically[...]
Wu K, Kwon SH, Zhou X, Fuller C, Wang X, Vadgama J, Wu Y. Overcoming Challenges in Small-Molecule Drug Bioavailability: A Review of Key Factors[...]
Davidson MB. In adults with hypertension and high CV risk, intensive vs. standard BP-lowering therapy reduced major vascular events. Ann Intern Med. 2024 Oct 1.[...]
Bazargan-Hejazi S, Martin C, Hall B, Hamideh J, Lam M, Osuna-Garcia A, Parker-Kelly D, Pipolo DO, Usmani M, Teruya SA. Meditation modalities for ADHD in[...]
Siddiq H, Choi KR, Jackson N, Saadi A, Gelberg L, Ponce NA, Takada S. Determinants to Tele-Mental Health Services Utilization Among California Adults: Do Immigration-Related[...]
Soni SM, Altman J. Table Stakes for Equity - Consumer Demographic Data at a State-Based Marketplace. N Engl J Med. 2024 Aug 17. doi: 10.1056/NEJMp2405798.[...]
Zheng J, Abudayyeh I, Rakovski C, Ehwerhemuepha L, Mianroodi AR, Patel JN, Ihab A, Ani C. Trends in heart failure costs for commercially insured patients[...]
Rivera JC, Espinoza-Derout J, Hasan KM, Molina-Mancio J, Martínez J, Lao CJ, Lee ML, Lee DL, Wilson J, Sinha-Hikim AP, Friedman TC. Hepatic steatosis induced[...]
Chan AM, Aguirre B, Liu L, Mah V, Balko JM, Tsui J, Wadehra NP, Moatamed NA, Khoshchehreh M, Dillard CM, Kiyohara M, Elshimali Y, Chang[...]