iron deficiency
Amaru R, Prchal J, Ganz T, Zhang X, Paton D, Carrasco M, Mancilla E, Gordeuk VR. Increased Transferrin Concentrations Are Not Associated With Thrombosis in[...]
Brownstein AJ, Wilkinson JD, Liang LL, Channick RN, Saggar R, Kim A. Immature reticulocyte fraction: A novel biomarker of hemodynamic severity in pulmonary arterial hypertension.[...]
Ahmed M, Shafiq A, Javaid H, Singh P, Shahbaz H, Maniya MT, Jain H, Shakir N, Cheema HA, Ahmad A, Rehman WU, Yeap G, Nashwan[...]
Baschant U, Fuqua BK, Ledesma-Colunga M, Vulpe CD, McLachlan S, Hofbauer LC, Lusis AJ, Rauner M. Effects of dietary iron deficiency or overload on bone:[...]
Zhang S, Liu W, Ganz T, Liu S. Exploring the relationship between hyperlactatemia and anemia. Trends Endocrinol Metab. 2024 Jan 6:S1043-2760(23)00251-5. doi: 10.1016/j.tem.2023.12.006. Epub ahead[...]
Sangkhae V, Fisher AL, Ganz T, Nemeth E. Iron Homeostasis During Pregnancy: Maternal, Placental, and Fetal Regulatory Mechanisms. Annu Rev Nutr. 2023 Aug 21;43:279-300. doi:[...]
Delaney KM, Barad A, Castillo LF, Hasund CM, Guillet R, Pressman EK, Katzman PJ, Ganz T, Nemeth E, O'Brien KO. Placental Erythroferrone and Erythropoietin mRNA[...]
Zhang V, Ganz T, Nemeth E, Umar S, Kim A. Bmpr2 mutant mice are an inadequate model for studying iron deficiency in pulmonary hypertension. Pulm[...]