
Mattar P, Reginato A, Lavados C, Das D, Kalyani M, Martinez-Lopez N, Sharma M, Skovbjerg G, Skytte JL, Roostalu U, Subbarayan R, Picarda E, Zang[...]

By sjmartinez • June 21, 2024

Nagami GT, Kraut JA. The Role of the Endocrine System in the Regulation of Acid-Base Balance by the Kidney and the Progression of Chronic Kidney[...]

By sjmartinez • February 25, 2024

Shieh A, Greendale GA, Cauley JA, Srikanthan P, Karlamangla AS. Longitudinal associations of insulin resistance with change in bone mineral density in midlife women. JCI[...]

By sjmartinez • October 25, 2022