
Kroloff MJ, Holz JB, Stern O, Shepherd CJ, Morrow M, Kayitalire L, Wong DJ. Durable response of anaplastic thyroid carcinoma to FS118, a bispecific LAG-3/PD-L1[...]

By sjmartinez • October 7, 2022

Talukder R, Makrakis D, Lin GI, Diamantopoulos LN, Dawsey S, Gupta S, Carril-Ajuria L, Castellano D, de Kouchkovsky I, Jindal T, Koshkin VS, Park JJ,[...]

By sjmartinez • September 27, 2022

Haber PK, Castet F, Torres-Martin M, Andreu-Oller C, Puigvehí M, Maeda M, Radu P, Dufour JF, Verslype C, Czauderna C, Marquardt JU, Galle PR, Vogel[...]

By sjmartinez • September 12, 2022

Shin DS, Park K, Garon E, Dubinett S. Targeting EZH2 to overcome the resistance to immunotherapy in lung cancer. Semin Oncol. 2022 Jul 2:S0093-7754(22)00045-8. doi:[...]

By rosaguerrero • July 20, 2022

Stein-Merlob AF, Ganatra S, Yang EH. T-cell Immunotherapy and Cardiovascular Disease: Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-cell and Bispecific T-cell Engager Therapies. Heart Fail Clin. 2022 Jul;18(3):443-454.[...]

By rosaguerrero • June 20, 2022

Schadendorf D, Dummer R, Robert C, Ribas A, Sullivan RJ, Panella T, McKean M, Santos ES, Brill K, Polli A, Pietro AD, Ascierto PA. STARBOARD:[...]

By rosaguerrero • May 6, 2022