Weld ED, Parsons TL, Gollings R, McCauley M, Grinsztejn B, Landovitz RJ, Marzinke MA. Development and validation of a liquid chromatographic-tandem mass spectrometric assay for[...]

By sjmartinez • February 27, 2023

Ritou E, Satta S, Petcherski A, Daskou M, Sharma M, Vasilopoulos H, Murakami E, Shirihai OS, Kelesidis T. Blood immune cells from people with HIV[...]

By sjmartinez • February 27, 2023

Walker D, Moucheraud C, Butler D, de Vente J, Tangonan K, Shoptaw S, Currier JS, Gladstein J, Hoffman R. Experiences with telemedicine for HIV care[...]

By sjmartinez • February 17, 2023

Parikh RV, Hebbe A, Barón AE, Grunwald GK, Plomondon ME, Gordin J, Yeh RW, Jneid H, Swaminathan RV, Waldo SW, Monto A, Secemsky E, Hsue[...]

By sjmartinez • February 16, 2023

Dovel K, Kalande P, Udedi E, Bruns L, Desmond C, Mbalanga C, Gupta S, Phiri S, Chivwala M, Richter L, Coates TJ. Triple Benefit: Impact[...]

By sjmartinez • February 7, 2023

Zanni MV, Foldyna B, McCallum S, Burdo TH, Looby SE, Fitch KV, Fulda ES, Autissier P, Bloomfield GS, Malvestutto CD, Fichtenbaum CJ, Overton ET, Aberg[...]

By sjmartinez • January 18, 2023

Nelson LE, Boyd DT, Beauchamp G, Emel L, Wilton L, Whitfield D, Ramos SR, Ajiboye W, Hill MJ, Conserve DF, Thomas P, Hightow-Weidman L, Shoptaw[...]

By sjmartinez • December 16, 2022

Rungmaitree S, Thamniamdee N, Sachdev S, Phongsamart W, Lapphra K, Wittawatmongkol O, Maleesatharn A, Khumcha B, Hoffman RM, Chokephaibulkit K. The Outcomes of Transition from[...]

By sjmartinez • December 8, 2022

Zanni MV, Foldyna B, McCallum S, Burdo TH, Looby SE, Fitch KV, Fulda ES, Autissier P, Bloomfield GS, Malvestutto CD, Fichtenbaum CJ, Overton ET, Aberg[...]

By sjmartinez • November 29, 2022

Yang L, Cambou MC, Segura ER, De Melo MG, Santos BR, Dos Santos Varella IR, Nielsen-Saines K. Patterns of pregnancy loss among women living with[...]

By sjmartinez • November 18, 2022