HIV prevention
Temelkovska T, Moriarty K, Huerta L, Perez-Brumer AG, Segura ER, Passaro RC, Lake JE, Clark JL, Blair CS. Both/And: Mixed methods analysis of network composition,[...]
Blair KJ, Torres TS, Hoagland B, Bezerra DRB, Veloso VG, Grinsztejn B, Clark J, Luz PM. Moderating Effect of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Use on the Association[...]
Temelkovska T, Moriarty K, Huerta L, Perez-Brumer A, Segura E, Passaro RC, Lake JE, Clark J, Blair C. Social Networks Play a Complex Role in[...]
Nelson LE, Boyd DT, Beauchamp G, Emel L, Wilton L, Whitfield D, Ramos SR, Ajiboye W, Hill MJ, Conserve DF, Thomas P, Hightow-Weidman L, Shoptaw[...]
Mayer KH, Yuhas K, Amico KR, Wilkin T, Landovitz RJ, Richardson P, Marzinke MA, Hendrix CW, Eshleman SH, Cottle LM, Marcus C, Chege W, Rinehart[...]
Azucar D, Hidalgo MA, Wright D, Slay L, Kipke MD. Development of an HIV Prevention Intervention for African American Young Men Who Have Sex With[...]
Hong C, Huh D, Schnall R, Garofalo R, Kuhns LM, Bruce J, Batey DS, Radix A, Belkind U, Hidalgo MA, Hirshfield S, Pearson CR. Changes[...]