global health
Muñoz-Zanzi C, Dreyfus A, Limothai U, Foley W, Srisawat N, Picardeau M, Haake DA. Leptospirosis-Improving Healthcare Outcomes for a Neglected Tropical Disease. Open Forum Infect[...]
Kamba R, El Mourid A, Mpoyi Ngambwa R, Chungu Salumu D, Le Gargasson JB, Nacoulma D, Nimpa Mengouo M, Meyer N, Luhata C, Hoff NA,[...]
Rasmussen PW, Hoffman RM, Phiri S, Makwaya A, Kominski GF, Bastani R, Moses A, Moucheraud C. Cost-effectiveness of approaches to cervical cancer screening in Malawi:[...]
Agarwal A, Tromp J, Almahmeed W, Angermann C, Chandramouli C, Cho H, Choi DJ, Damasceno A, Filippatos G, Fonarow GC, Harikrishnan S, Lund L, Masoudi[...]
Yadav S, Delau O, Bonner AJ, Markovic D, Patterson W, Ottey S, Buyalos RP, Azziz R. Direct economic burden of mental health disorders associated with[...]