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Danpanichkul P, Suparan K, Dutta P, Kaeosri C, Sukphutanan B, Pang Y, Kulthamrongsri N, Jaisa-Aad M, Ng CH, Teng M, Nakano M, Morishita A, Alkhouri[...]
Marrero N, Jha K, Hughes TM, Razavi AC, Grant JK, Boakye E, Anchouche K, Dzaye O, Budoff MJ, Rotter JI, Guo X, Yao J, Wood[...]
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Wong ND, Fan W, Hu X, Ballantyne C, Hoodgeveen RC, Tsai MY, Browne A, Budoff MJ. Lipoprotein(a) and Long-Term Cardiovascular Risk in a Multi-Ethnic Pooled[...]
Peterson H, Huang MY, Lee K, Kingston P, Yee D, Korouri E, Agüero R, Armstrong AW. Comorbidity Burden in Psoriasis Patients with Skin of Color.[...]
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Wei MY, Leis AM, Vasilyev A, Kang AJ. Development and validation of new multimorbidity-weighted index for ICD-10-coded electronic health record and claims data: an observational[...]
Minhas AMK, Talha KM, Abramov D, Johnson HM, Antoine S, Rodriguez F, Fudim M, Michos ED, Misra A, Abushamat L, Nambi V, Fonarow GC, Ballantyne[...]