digital health
Dovigi E, Wongvibulsin S, Lee I, Novoa R, Cai Z, Rotemberg V, Daneshjou R. Augmented Intelligence and Dermatology - Part II: Bias, Benchmarks, Guidelines, Ethics,[...]
Bergerot CD, Bergerot PG, Philip EJ, Malhotra J, Castro DV, Govindarajan A, Fuzita WH, França MVDS, Azeredo AC, Anjos GMD, Araujo R, Hsu J, Chawla[...]
Hernandez AM, Khoong EC, Kanwar N, Lopez-Solano N, Rodriguez JA, De Marchis E, Nguyen OK, Casillas A. Lessons learned from a multi-site collaborative working toward[...]
Shen M, Osman K, Blumenthal DM, DeMuth K, Liu Y. Home Heart Hospital Associated With Reduced Hospitalizations and Costs Among High-Cost Patients With Cardiovascular Disease.[...]
Soltero EG, Musaad SM, O'Connor TM, Thompson D, Norris K, Beech BM. Feasibility of Fit24, a Digital Diabetes Prevention Program for Hispanic Adolescents: Qualitative Evaluation[...]
Casillas A, Abhat A. The Los Angeles County Department of Health Services Health Technology Navigators: A novel health workforce to digitally empower patient communities in safety[...]
Vidmar AP, Salvy SJ, Wee CP, Pretlow R, Fox DS, Yee JK, Garell C, Glasner S, Mittelman SD. An addiction-based digital weight loss intervention: A[...]
Burton BN, Arastoo S, Wu S, Liu N, Ong MK, Vazirani S. The Association of Medical Preoperative Evaluation Using Clinical Video Telehealth With Hospital Length[...]
Al-Mondhiry J, D'Ambruoso S, Pietras C, Strouse T, Benzeevi D, Arevian AC, Wells KB. Co-created Mobile Apps for Palliative Care Using Community-Partnered Participatory Research: Development[...]