clinical trials
Marks J, Sridhar A, Ai A, Kiel L, Kaufman R, Abioye O, Mantz C, Florez N. Precision Immuno-Oncology in NSCLC through Gender Equity Lenses. Cancers[...]
Chen K, Jackson NJ, Kelesidis T. Mitoquinone mesylate as post-exposure prophylaxis against SARS-CoV-2 infection in humans: an exploratory single center pragmatic open label non-randomized pilot[...]
Hamid A, Fonarow GC, Butler J, Hall ME. How do breast cancer clinical trials approach cardiovascular safety: targeted or generalized? Cardiooncology. 2024 Feb 7;10(1):6. doi:[...]
Mohtashemi N, Dubé K, Thio C, Song S, Patel S, Sugarman J, Bhattacharya D. Patient acceptability of, and attitudes towards, hepatitis B cure research -[...]
Hanson LC, Wessell K, Meeks N, Bennett AV, Toles M, Niznik J, Zimmerman S, Carpenter J, Ritchie CS, Ernecoff NC, Saliba D. Selecting outcomes for[...]
Selim O, Song C, Kumar A, Phelan R, Singh A, Federman N. A review of the therapeutic potential of histone deacetylase inhibitors in rhabdomyosarcoma. Front[...]
Vijayaraman P, Chelu MG, Curila K, Dandamudi G, Herweg B, Mori S, Jastrzebski M, Sharma PS, Shivkumar K, Tung R, Upadhyay G, Vernooy K, Welter-Frost[...]
Mauck MC, Lotz J, Psioda MA, Carey TS, Clauw DJ, Majumdar S, Marras WS, Vo N, Aylward A, Hoffmeyer A, Zheng P, Ivanova A, McCumber[...]
Jalloh MB, Averbuch T, Kulkarni P, Granger CB, Januzzi JL, Zannad F, Yeh RW, Yancy CW, Fonarow GC, Breathett K, Gibson CM, Van Spall HGC.[...]
Dovel K, Balakasi K, Hubbard J, Phiri K, Nichols BE, Coates TJ, Kulich M, Chikuse E, Phiri S, Long LC, Hoffman RM, Choko AT. Identifying[...]