Chronic kidney disease
Rastogi A, Fishbane S, Lerma E. Difelikefalin for the treatment of moderate-to-severe pruritus associated with chronic kidney disease on hemodialysis. Expert Rev Clin Pharmacol. 2023[...]
Tantisattamo E, Kalantar-Zadeh K. PRECEDE/PROCEED Framework for Public Health Program Planning in Preparation for Current and Future Unprecedented Events for Kidney and Transplant Patients. Kidney[...]
Tallman DA, Khor BH, Karupaiah T, Khosla P, Chan M, Kopple JD. Nutritional Adequacy of Essential Nutrients in Low Protein Animal-Based and Plant-Based Diets in[...]
Wang M, Zhang J, Kalantar-Zadeh K, Chen J. Focusing on Phosphorus Loads: From Healthy People to Chronic Kidney Disease. Nutrients. 2023 Feb 28;15(5):1236. doi: 10.3390/nu15051236.[...]
Desai NR, Navaneethan SD, Nicholas SB, Pantalone KM, Wanner C, Hamacher S, Gay A, Wheeler DC. Design and rationale of FINE-REAL: A prospective study of[...]
Vergara N, de Mier MVP, Rodelo-Haad C, Revilla-González G, Membrives C, Díaz-Tocados JM, Martínez-Moreno JM, Torralbo AI, Herencia C, Rodríguez-Ortiz ME, López-Baltanás R, Richards WG,[...]
Handelsman Y, Butler J, Bakris GL, DeFronzo RA, Fonarow GC, Green JB, Grunberger G, Januzzi JL Jr, Klein S, Kushner PR, McGuire DK, Michos ED,[...]
Kanda E, Rastogi A, Murohara T, Lesén E, Agiro A, Arnold M, Chen G, Yajima T, Järbrink K, Pollack CV Jr. Clinical impact of suboptimal[...]
Nicholas SB, Cervantes L; Clinical Care & Innovation Workgroup of the American Society of Nephrology Health Care Justice Committee. Health Care Equity and Justice Scorecard[...]
Oliva-Damaso N, Delanaye P, Oliva-Damaso E, Payan J, Glassock RJ. Risk-based versus GFR threshold criteria for nephrology referral in chronic kidney disease. Clin Kidney J.[...]