Marcus JL, Weddle A, Kelley CF, Agwu A, Montalvo S, Sherman E, Vijayan T, Gutierrez J, Hickey MD, Dilworth SE, Krakower D, Davis TL, Collins[...]
Delany-Moretlwe S, Hanscom B, Guo X, Nkabiito C, Mandima P, Nahirya PN, Mpendo J, Bhondai-Mhuri M, Mgodi N, Berhanu R, Farrior J, Piwowar-Manning E, Ford[...]
Fogel JM, Persaud D, Piwowar-Manning E, Richardson P, Szewczyk J, Marzinke MA, Wang Z, Guo X, McCauley M, Farrior J, Tran HV, Ungsedhapand C, Mathew[...]
Han K, Patel P, McCallister S, Rinehart AR, Gandhi Y, Spreen W, Landovitz RJ, Delany-Moretlwe S, Marzinke MA, McKeon T, Budnik P, van Wyk J,[...]
Marzinke MA, Fogel JM, Wang Z, Piwowar-Manning E, Kofron R, Moser A, Bhandari P, Gollings R, Bushman LR, Weng L, Halvas EK, Mellors J, Anderson[...]
Mitchell KM, Boily MC, Hanscom B, Moore M, Todd J, Paz-Bailey G, Wejnert C, Liu A, Donnell DJ, Grinsztejn B, Landovitz RJ, Dimitrov DT. Estimating[...]
Weld ED, Parsons TL, Gollings R, McCauley M, Grinsztejn B, Landovitz RJ, Marzinke MA. Development and validation of a liquid chromatographic-tandem mass spectrometric assay for[...]