Jacobs JP, Sauk JS, Ahdoot AI, Liang F, Katzka W, Ryu HJ, Khandadash A, Lagishetty V, Labus JS, Naliboff BD, Mayer EA. Microbial and Metabolite[...]
Ascierto PA, Agarwala SS, Warner AB, Ernstoff MS, Fox BA, Gajewski TF, Galon J, Garbe C, Gastman BR, Gershenwald JE, Kalinski P, Krogsgaard M, Leidner[...]
Park SC, Saiphoklang N, Phillips J, Wilgus ML, Buhr RG, Tashkin DP, Cooper CB, Barjaktarevic I. Three-Month Variability of Commonly Evaluated Biomarkers in Clinically Stable[...]
Garon EB, Reck M, Nishio K, Heymach JV, Nishio M, Novello S, Paz-Ares L, Popat S, Aix SP, Graham H, Butts BD, Visseren-Grul C, Nakagawa[...]
Ghuman A, Khanna D, Lin CJF, Furst DE, Raghu G, Martinez FJ, Zucchetto M, Huang S, Jennings A, Nihtyanova SI, Denton CP. Prognostic and predictive[...]
Allan-Blitz LT, Akbari O, Kojima N, Saavedra E, Chellamuthu P, Denny N, MacMullan MA, Hess V, Shacreaw M, Brobeck M, Turner F, Slepnev VI, Ibrayeva[...]
Law J, Trieu H, Kaleka G, Turkiewicz J, Palmer S, Lee JM, Chen KT, Tabibian JH. Clinical Features and Outcomes of Patients with Pancreaticobiliary Malignancies[...]
Luu K, Ye JY, Lagishetty V, Liang F, Hauer M, Sedighian F, Kwaan MR, Kazanjian KK, Hecht JR, Lin AY, Jacobs JP. Fecal and Tissue[...]
Jacobs JP, Lagishetty V, Hauer MC, Labus JS, Dong TS, Toma R, Vuyisich M, Naliboff BD, Lackner JM, Gupta A, Tillisch K, Mayer EA. Multi-omics[...]
Haber PK, Castet F, Torres-Martin M, Andreu-Oller C, Puigvehí M, Maeda M, Radu P, Dufour JF, Verslype C, Czauderna C, Marquardt JU, Galle PR, Vogel[...]