
Haussmann A, Moudgal AN, Calzia M, Hurley LP. Clinician Barriers to Ordering Pulmonary Function Tests for Adults with Suspected Asthma. J Am Board Fam Med.[...]

By sjmartinez • May 14, 2024

Salles-Dias LP, Brandao-Rangel MAR, Cristina-Rosa A, Morais-Felix RT, Oliveira-Freitas S, Oliveira LVF, Moraes-Ferreira R, Bachi ALL, Coutinho ET, Frison CR, Abbasi A, Melamed D, Vieira[...]

By sjmartinez • April 6, 2024

Hall K, Kafashzadeh D, Chen L, Dudovitz R, Ross MK. Trends in telemedicine visits among pediatric asthma patients during COVID-19. J Allergy Clin Immunol Glob.[...]

By sjmartinez • April 5, 2024

Kuhn B, Barjaktarevic I. Editorial: Understanding the impact of lung ventilation heterogeneity. Front Med Technol. 2024 Mar 4;6:1332958. doi: 10.3389/fmedt.2024.1332958. PMID: 38500568; PMCID: PMC10944995.

By sjmartinez • March 19, 2024

Wilgus ML, Merchant M. Clearing the Air: Understanding the Impact of Wildfire Smoke on Asthma and COPD. Healthcare (Basel). 2024 Jan 25;12(3):307. doi: 10.3390/healthcare12030307. PMID:[...]

By sjmartinez • February 11, 2024

GBD 2019 Chronic Respiratory Diseases Collaborators. Global burden of chronic respiratory diseases and risk factors, 1990-2019: an update from the Global Burden of Disease Study[...]

By sjmartinez • May 26, 2023

Pavord ID, Deniz Y, Corren J, Casale TB, FitzGerald JM, Izuhara K, Daizadeh N, Ortiz B, Johnson RR, Harel S, Djandji M, Goga L, Crikelair[...]

By sjmartinez • April 11, 2023

Illidi CR, Romer LM, Johnson MA, Williams NC, Rossiter HB, Casaburi R, Tiller NB. Distinguishing science from pseudoscience in commercial respiratory interventions: an evidence-based guide[...]

By sjmartinez • March 15, 2023

Wise SK, Damask C, Roland LT, Ebert C, Levy JM, Lin S, Luong A, Rodriguez K, Sedaghat AR, Toskala E, Villwock J, Abdullah B, Akdis[...]

By sjmartinez • March 7, 2023

Tashkin DP, Tan WC. Inhaled Marijuana and the Lung. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2022 May 21:S2213-2198(22)00495-0. doi: 10.1016/j.jaip.2022.05.009. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35609784.

By rosaguerrero • May 27, 2022