Donovan A, Assari S, Grella C, Shaheen M, Richter L, Friedman TC. Early life stress and pubertal predictors of subsequent substance use in a national[...]
Ontiveros-Ángel P, Vega-Torres JD, Simon TB, Williams V, Inostroza-Nives Y, Alvarado-Crespo N, Gonzalez YV, Pompolius M, Katzka W, Lou J, Sharafeddin F, De la Peña[...]
Gaither TW, Williams KC, Mann C, Weimer A, Ng G, Litwin MS. Needs of transgender children and adolescents presenting to an urban gender health program.[...]
Donovan A, Assari S, Grella C, Shaheen M, Richter L, Friedman TC. Neuroendocrine Mechanisms in the Links Between Early Life Stress, Affect, and Youth Substance[...]
Wisk LE, Garvey KC, Fu C, Landrum MB, Beaulieu ND, Chien AT. Diabetes-focused health care utilization among adolescents and young adults with type 1 diabetes.[...]
Gordián-Arroyo A, Schnall R, Garofalo R, Kuhns LM, Pearson C, Bruce J, Scott Batey D, Radix A, Belkind U, Hirshfield S, Hidalgo MA. Homonegative Victimization[...]